Low threshold interventions to improve metabolic and inflammatory profile in obese population

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Obesity is an international epidemic and a major contributor to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. The costs of treatment of these diseases likely endanger the maintenance of the national health systems in the near future. In the last few years a subset of obese people who seem to be protected against obesity–related metabolic complications has been described as “metabolically healthy but obese” (MHO) . On the other hand there is a larger group of obese people with expression of metabolic alterations and inflammatory molecules: the so called “metabolically unhealthy obese” (MUO). There is evidence that Mediterranean diet and physical activity (PA) can change the metabolic and inflammatory profile of MUO and that low threshold interventions through new technologies interventions can be useful to bring information to patients to promote healthy styles of life.

We will carry out a 3 month follow-up study in 2180 obese populations aged 25 to 75 years to assess whether metabolic and inflammatory profile can be improved by the incorporation of low threshold interventions. All patients will receive information periodically to help them to improve their diet and increase their PA levels by the use of ICT-based tools specially designed for this project, including both a mobile app and an informative website. Individuals will be randomized in two groups: Group A will receive web support information and Group B additionally will receive support by an app. At the end of the study blood samples will be analyzed and patients will be grouped as MUO and MHO phenotypes following the WHO criteria, but excluding the waist circumference criterion and including high sensitivity C Reactive Protein.

The study findings will have translational relevance giving citizens more information to improve their scientific knowledge in decision-making and at the same time more responsibility and participation in making decisions that affect their health.

  1. personalizing preventive medicine;
  2. encouraging changes in lifestyle by promoting PA and adherence to the Mediterranean diet;
  3. identify the real prevalence of metabolically unhealthy obese individuals in different countries
  4. developing innovative tools for avoid chronic metabolic disorders and their associated cardiovascular diseases;
  5. fighting with low threshold interventions with a new epidemic disease: obesity and its consequences.

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