- Risk factors independently associated with the presence of microalbuminuria in the general population of south-western Europe. The HERMEX study. F Félix Redondo, DJ Fernández-Bergés Gurrea, Robles NR, Pérez-Castán JF, MJ Zaro Bastanzuri, Lozano Mera L, P Álvarez-Palacios Arrighi, V Tejero Calderón, Y Morcillo Yedro, AB Hidalgo Barrantes. Póster moderado Congreso Europeo de Hipertensión Arterial. Oslo, Noruega 2010.
- Prevalence of abnormal urinary albumin excretion in the general population of south-western europe. The HERMEX study. J Félix Redondo, D Fernández-Bergés Gurrea, MJ Zaro Bastanzuri, JF Pérez Castán,AJ García Trigo, L Lozano Mera, V Tejero Calderón, P Álvarez-Palacios Arrighi, AB Hidalgo Barrantes, Y Morcillo Yedro. Póster Congreso Europeo de Hipertensión Arterial. Oslo, Noruega 2010.
- Clinical scores and patient risk stratification in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. Fernández-Bergés D, Bertomeu-Gonzalez V, Sánchez PL, Cruz-Fernandez JM, Arroyo R, Barriales Álvarez V, Carrasco Sánchez FJ, Dalli E, Castro Beiras A, Kaski JC; on behalf of the SIESTA Study Investigators. Comunicación oral en el Congreso Mundial de Cardiología Junio 2010 Pekín. China.
- Diabetics, inflammation and acute coronary síndrome: an insight to SIESTA study. Fernández-Bergés D, Consuegra Sánchez L , Kaski JC , Marrugat J, Sánchez PL , Cruz Fernández JM, Félix Redondo FJ, on behalf of the SIESTA Investigators Póster Congreso Mundial de Cardiología Junio 2010 Pekín. China.
- Plasma Cystatin C for Prediction of One Year Cardiac Events in Mediterranean Patients with Non ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. N Taglieri , D Fernandez-Berges, W Koenig, L Consuegra-Sanchez, JM Cruz Fernandez, NR Robles, PL Sánchez, A Castro Beiras, PM Montes Orbe, JC Kaski; for the SIESTA Investigators. Póster Congreso Europeo de Cardiología Barcelona 2009.
- High sensitivity C reactive protein in healthy people (A Partial report). Daniel Fernández-Bergés, Francisco Javier Félix Redondo, María José Zaro Bastanzuri, A García Trigo, Paula Álvarez-Palacios Arrighi, Verónica Tejero Calderón, Ana Belén Hidalgo. Yolanda Morcillo Yedro. Presentado como póster Congreso Europeo de Hipertensión Arterial. Milán Junio 2009.
- Risk stratification in patients with non ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: A comparative study of clinical scores and serum biomarkers. D. Fernández-Bergés, V. Bertomeu Gonzalez, JC Kaski, PL Sánchez-Fernández, A Castro Beiras, PM Montes-Orbes, V Barriales-Álvarez, FJK Carrasco, R Arroyo- espliguero, E Dalli on behalf of SIESTA Investigators. Póster moderado Congreso Europeo de Cardiología Munich 2008. Premio al mejor póster moderado de la reunión “How to use biomarkers in acute myocardial infarction”.
- A Comparative Study of Inflammatory Markers and Others Biomarkers for Risk Prediction in Acute Coronary Syndrome – The SIESTA (Systemic Inflammation Evaluation in non-ST-elevation Acute coronary syndrome) Study. JC Kaski, D. Fernández-Bergés, Luciano Consuegra Sánchez, Jose M Cruz Fernandez, Jaume Marrugat, Xavier Garcia Moll, Jose Mostaza, Rocio Toro, Jose R Gonzalez Juanatey, Gabriela Guzman Martinez, on behalf of SIESTA investigators.Comunicación oral en la sesión “Emerging Tools for Diagnosis and Risk Assessment” Congreso anual de la American Heart Association New Orleans 2008.
- Alcohol intake biomarkers profile and in hospital events in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. L Consuegra, JC Kaski, D. Fernández-Bergés, JM Cruz Fernández, X Garcia Moll, J Marrugat, J Mostaza on behalf of SIESTA Investigators. Presentado en la SGUL Cardiovascular Research Group Annual Symposium. Microcirculation abnormalities in vascular disease. Scientific principles & clinical significance. Septiembre 2008. Londres. UK.
- A Comparative Study Of Multiple Inflammatory Markers For Risk Prediction In Acute Coronary Syndrome (SIESTA STUDY). JC. Kaski, D. Fernández-Berges, JM. Cruz Fernández, J. Marrugat, V. Bertomeu, X. García-Moll, L. Martín Jadraque, J. Mostaza on behalf of the SIESTA Investigators. Comunicación oral Congreso Europeo de Cardiología Viena 2007.
- Elevated Serum Neopterin levels and adverse cardiac events in patients with non-ST-Segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Consuegra L, Fernández-Bergés D, Kaski JC, Cruz Fernández JM, Marrugat J, García Moll X, Gonzalez Juanatey on behalf of Siesta Investigators. Presentado como Poster en la Scientific Session American Heart Association 2007. Atlanta U.S.A.
Dr Daniel Fernandez Bergés